Laimon Fresh

Laimon Fresh

Refresh and quench your thirst instantly

Laimon Fresh is a product produced under licence by the Swiss company GreenMe AG, which specialises in the production of natural drinks.

It is a unique soft drink made from carefully selected natural ingredients that are perfectly combined with each other. Among other natural components, the drink contains a kind of African mint whose taste and aroma is the most refreshing among the 60 types of mint that exist.

In addition to the above-mentioned advantages, Laimon fresh is refreshing, easy to drink and ideal for carbonated soft drink lovers who want to take care of themselves.

Laimon Fresh

Laimon Fresh

Soft carbonated drink with a unique combination of lemon and mint flavour. Contains 100% natural ingredients, including 7.5% fruit juice.

Formats: 33 cl. can


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